Our Mission
Together we value each person. We are dedicated to providing a strong foundation which fosters learning, creativity, responsibility, and respect in an innovative environment.
At Park Lawn, our 50+teachers and staff are dedicated to personalizing the learning experiences of all of our students. We closely collaborate with our committed PTO to provide opportunities that make our learning community of approximately 440 students from 4K-4th grade and their families feel welcome and excited about learning.
Continuous academic improvement is paramount to the success of all of our students. Over the course of the year, our staff vertical teams collaborated in the areas of literacy, technology, and math while our Building Leadership Team (BLT) monitored data and our progress towards our site goals. Spring assessment data reports that in the area of reading, our students grew 3.4% in meeting growth targets, while in the area of math they grew 3.8% as measured by the MAP assessment.
Unique opportunities for students to learn and showcase that learning continued whether it was participation in our Wonder Fair, Celebration of Learning, the second grade poetry reading at Roots Coffee House, third-grade field trip to Halquist, or the fourth-grade Immigration Simulation.
We continued to grow our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) with assemblies and school-wide behavior expectations working towards a Responsible, Respectful, and Safe learning environment for all. We added monthly Midnight’s Morning Meetings to acknowledge our PBIS efforts and set attainable goals for the upcoming month. Park Lawn was recognized as a PBIS School of Merit and we are looking forward to growing student recognition with the new Midnight’s Market, a PBIS reward destination for students.
Our PTO had numerous successful events including our 3rd Annual Spaghetti Dinner and Raffle, and continued Bingo, movie, and Culvers and McTeachers nights. Fundraising from their many events continues to support our efforts to grow the Outdoor Classroom. This year, PTO partnered with Bimbo Bakeries and we were awarded a $5,000 grant and a day of Bimbo volunteers to build picnic tables and small benches for the Outdoor Classroom. Remaining grant funds were used to construct a pergola in the space.
Memorable experiences this year included the annual Talent Show, which drew a huge crowd, and students again participated in our 2nd annual music video, Panther Pride, and a partnership with the film students at OHS. We also launched new club opportunities for Park Lawn students this year which included Lego and engineering.
In collaboration with Oconomowoc Kiwanis, Park Lawn now hosts a Kiwanis Kids service club for 2nd-4th graders.
We celebrated our Herb Kohl Fellowship award winner Becky Beck, who received the honor. Numerous staff sought and were awarded grants this year, including our Title 1 Math Teacher Leader, Buffy Wilkey, who secured a $12,000 grant which trained all of our certified staff in AVMR math strategies during the upcoming year.